By Chris Okechukwu


I was born a ‘rebel’.

My early days were marked by some inexplicable audacity which laid the foundation for my ‘stubbornness’.

Quite unlike my peers, siblings, relatives kinsmen, etc., I have a distant and distinct mindset on issues bothering on tradition, religion, education, race, name them.

I’ve fallen in and out of WhatsApp groups, village or town meetings, and several associations just because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, or fold my arms, and watch some ‘demi-gods’ get away with their manipulative and arm-twisting gimmicks. I started saying things the way they were from the ‘womb’.

It has put me in trouble several times but it hasn’t deterred me. I’ve lost so many friends and associates, but I’ve never looked back.

Therefore, when the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States ended in controversy, many of those who know me were expecting me to take a stand.

Donald J. Trump, America’s current President, is certainly not the ideal role model of any black man. Across the ‘dark’ continent, he is despised and detested. Around the Muslim world, he is demeaned and disliked. Even in the U.S., millions of people abhor him.


To my friends living in the U.S., people outside the U.S. don’t understand the demon that Trump represents. Some claim he belongs to the Church of Satan.

To me, Trump is a saint, compared to many of my uncles, siblings, colleagues, and partners.
He is a saint compared to the pastors, doctors, nurses, teachers, police, and military personnel in the nooks and crannies of today’s Africa, and other parts of the world.

Trump is a saint compared to Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari, his ministers, special advisers, media aides, etc. I don’t want to mention Buhari’s Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed.

Trump is a saint compared to the Governors, Senators, Members of House of Representatives, Members of State Houses of Assembly, Local Government Chairmen, Councillors, etc.

Trump is a saint compared to our lecturers, professors, etc. in our higher institutions.
Trump is a saint compared to our traditional rulers (Igwes, Obas, Obis, Emirs, etc ).
Trump is a saint compared to the traders at Trade Fair Complex, ASPAMDA, Idumota, Ladipo, Oshodi, etc. I don’t want to mention Alaba International Market.

Trump is a saint compared to the market women, butchers, tailors, mechanics, vulcanizers, panel beaters spread across our society of today.

Therefore, it’ll amount to sacrilege for an African, especially a Nigerian, for that matter, to point an accusing finger at Trump and call him a liar, a cheat, a crook, a rogue, a tax evader, etc

For starters, I started reading and following Trump more than 30 years ago. So, apart from the fact that he emerged the President of the United States in 2016, against all odds, some of us have been conversant with his antecedents over the decades.

For some of his admirers to be as constant as the Northern Star over their support for the multi-billionaire means they didn’t just start following Trump when he emerged as America’s President in 2016.

The Trump some of us know has no single NO in his dictionary. To him, impossible is nothing. So, if people are deluding themselves thinking along the lines of concession, they have another think coming.


You can day-dream for all you care. But the Trump I know will fight with the last drop of his blood. The Trump I know has the wherewithal to go to any length imaginable to legitimize his claims. If at the end of the day, he loses, he’d have given it his best shot.

Let me remind some of the petty politicians who have said so many despicable things about Trump that they’re only flogging a dead horse. Nothing you can write or say is going to move or shake Trump. Nothing that you’ll allege or claim will be enough to let him discard his desire to go the whole hogĀ (legally). That’s how Trump is wired.

Like I’ve said again and again, all the people ranting about the American President, and calling him all manner of names like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc., are simply jealous of his stupendous wealth. They’re having sleepless nights over why such a man is so wealthy yet, still aspires to be the number one man in the world’s greatest nation. That is their headache. They keep saying to themselves, “Why wouldn’t this man go enjoy his money, and leave our only means of sustenance (politics) for us to manage.”

One very poignant thing about those who criticize Trump is that their language is worse than Trump’s. Their choice of words is out of this world, simply outrageous! They call him stupid, sexist, racist, rapist, crook, rogue, tax evader, criminal, etc. without looking at themselves in the mirror.

Ironically, among these people are Bill Clinton, a married man (a sitting president for that matter) who confessed to sleeping with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

Among them is Hillary Clinton, who as Foreign Secretary and Senator of the U.S., used her private email address to transact state businesses. When she was asked to explain why and produce the emails, she destroyed 33,000 emails, which would have exposed her dirty deals with a phoney organization called Clinton Foundation (through which she received donations from Islamic nations and groups running into hundreds of millions of dollars). That dubious act (destroying the 33,000 emails) was enough to send her to prison for at least, 10 years.

Among them is Biden, who as Vice President of the U.S. (under Obama presidency) used and fronted his son, Hunter, to steal millions of dollars from the coffers of disgruntled companies in Ukraine and China.
Among them is Obama, who is a gay rights champion, abortion exponent, and a man who master-minded the obnoxious removal of many African Presidents, notably Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan, who refused to buy his gay advocacy theory. The same Obama hunted, sponsored, and ensured the murder of Africa’s best-ever President, Moummar Ghaddafi, thereby shattering Africa’s unity template, which Ghaddafi lived for, pursued and sponsored.

So, you ask yourself, how would an adulterer like Bill Clinton, a manipulator like Hillary, a double-dealer like Biden, and gay rights and abortion sponsor like Obama lead the assault and character assassination against another man?

Finally, I’ve discovered, quite frankly, that none of the Nigerians criticizing Trump’s usage of the word ‘shit hole’ to describe Nigeria, understands that the word ‘shit hole’ is child’s play compared to the Nigeria we live in today. There’s no need over-emphasizing the fact that there’s no word weighty enough to describe the present living conditions in Nigeria. To say Nigeria is hell on earth is even an understatement.



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